There are some great videos going around that make fun of the kind of stuff bartenders say to customers and the stuff customers say to bartenders. We think this send up of hipster bartenders from the US is pretty funny. There’s also a good one on Aussie customers. They’ll both hit close to home for some people.
You might think that the hipster bartender character is a gigantic exaggeration, but he’s actually not that far from people you might find serving drinks in plenty of bars and pubs across the English-speaking world — the ones who take themselves really, really seriously.
Being a Bartender
Whether this guy is your hero or your nightmare, it’s not hard to see where he’s coming from. We all delve a little too deeply into our passions, and our love for mixing drinks is no different. For many of us, even though we work on drinks day in and day out, we still somehow enjoy it in our spare time. That means that we’ll start behaving a little oddly at times, getting our hands on obscure spirits and mixing them with the most off-the-wall ingredients that we can find. Even though most of these experiments will end up tasting badly, every once in a while, we discover something delicious!

Everyone Shows Off a Little
Let’s face this, too: everybody loves to show off. In a highly social and sometimes image-centric business like bar tending, knowing a lot about drinks, spirits, and mixing is absolutely critical. If your customers think that you really know what you’re doing, odds are that they’ll return again and again, and you might pick up some good tips, too. That’s just solid business sense, and we offer more than just the basic RSA courses in Melbourne. Our Bartending Training Course will put you well on your way to knowing what you’re doing, and just as importantly, looking like you know what you’re doing. If you think that should be easy, you may be surprised.
Having Something To Show
We can’t promise—or threaten, depending on how you look at it—that you’ll end up like one of those bartenders mixologists by taking some of our courses at RSA Melbourne, but you will learn a lot about mixing classic cocktails and running a bar, and no doubt you’ll come away with enough knowledge to make up new drinks on the fly. With any luck, you’ll be able to mix plenty of tasty cocktails and impress everyone around you. Maybe you’ll even try out a barrel-aged cocktail programme, though we won’t tell you whether or not that’s a great idea.