RSA Melbourne is the Victorian Bar School, and we’re a well established hospitality training centre. In fact, we’ve been in operation since 1972. Our hospitality and RSA courses are all well developed and well respected in Melbourne’s hospitality industry. Why? Because we can give you the skills you need to do your job well and to think on your feet. We’ll make you competent and confident enough to step right into a job as a bartender, barista, server or host. Of course, it’s cheap and easy to get your Victorian RSA certification with us, but we offer so much more.
Learn about alcohol and the law
Because of all the job opportunities in bars, pubs and hotels in Melbourne, RSA courses are always in high demand. For only $50, you can get all the basic knowledge you need to work with alcohol on the job. Do you know what other types of identification are acceptable if a customer doesn’t have a driver’s license? Do you know the physical signs and behaviours that will tell you when you need to stop serving a customer drinks? Do you know what your legal responsibilities are to your customers, and what the penalties are if you don’t meet them? It only takes half a day to learn.

Learn to tend bar, make fabulous coffee, wait tables and keep food safe
We can teach you the nuts and bolts of a variety of hospitality jobs. In our Barista course, you can learn how to make meticulously crafted Italian-style cappuccino, yes, with the beautifully crafted steamed milk art on top. You’ll make perfect expressos, lattes, macchiatos and ristrettos, too. Learn to get the most out of high quality coffee beans and how to make hot chocolate from scratch.
In our bartender course, you’ll become a practiced mixologist. We don’t just teach you to mix both classic and cutting edge cocktails, we teach you the customer service skills that will really make you popular with the customers and bring in the big tips. Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be Tom Cruise in Cocktail? Here’s your chance. Of course, you’ll learn how to use and properly maintain beer lines, too.
We also offer a one-day RSF Food Handling course for kitchen staff and other food handlers in cafes, restaurants, hotels and other food-based businesses. It will give you the information you need on food safety and hygiene, and it’s a great foundation for any job that involves cooking, cleaning or serving food. To take it a step further, sign up for our Food Safety Supervisors course.
Have you ever been to a restaurant with truly memorable service, where everything was taken care of so quickly and expertly that you didn’t even notice things being set out and taken away? Our Silver Service Waiting course can give you those skills. You’ll also learn how to set tables properly, tricks and tips for smoothly and accurately taking orders, and all the customer service skills you’ll need as a host.
Call us today to get onto the fast track to a job in Melbourne’s hospitality industry.